Hello to Karen

Rick Ropelewski |

We hope everyone’s year is off to a good start and we wish you a happy and healthy 2023!  I have yet to break any of my new year’s resolutions, but it has been only a week so check back with me at the end of the month.

Last year was an exciting year for our team, with Tom and Nora having incredibly cute eight and ten-month old infants respectively as I write this.  I’ll let them send baby pics with their next personal updates.  What with the new family members, Tom and Nora have asked to stop working 20-hour days.  However, I do receive the occasional email at 2 AM which I assume follows an emergency diaper change (as I write that I wonder if there is ever a diaper change that is not an emergency?).

While 2022 was a challenging year in many ways, our practice has continued to grow in no small part thanks to your trust and confidence in passing our name along to friends and family in need of help with their financial planning.  It is very important to us that we maintain the same level of service, so we are very excited to announce that Karen Pettingell recently joined our team as Operations Assistant.

Karen joins us after working at Fidelity for 20 + years.  Her energy and sense of humor are infectious, and we are already seeing the impact of her work for the team.  Karen will be assisting you on all operational matters and servicing of your accounts.  We are thrilled to have her on the team, and we know you will enjoy working with her.  She will send an update soon (spoiler alert; she is a dog person.  So, between Karen, Nora and myself it is only a matter of time before Tom succumbs to our peer pressure and gets a pooch) so you can learn more about her background; but for those of you who have not had the chance to meet her please say hello the next time you are in the office or call. 

The author of this article is Rick Ropelewski, Wealth Manager at U.S. Wealth Management.

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